Career and Technical Programs

Whether you decide to learn a technical skill or get prepared to enter the workforce, our career technical training programs can prepare you for the job of your choice. Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ Adult Education Division with the guidance and support of our industry partners provides career training opportunities that lead to high-wages and career growth. The majority of these training programs are offered in English. With more than 75 career preparation programs offered at our 7 technical colleges and 14 adult education centers, you can begin a career a year in any of the following areas: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Business Administration, Commercial Arts & 3D Animation, Culinary Art & Baking, Construction & Apprenticeship, Health Occupations, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Personal Services, Public Safety & Security, and Transportation.
Contact Information, Hours, and Days of Service
For more information on Adult & Career Technical Education, please email, or call 305-558-8000 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.