Alumni Testimonial Vania Jocelyn - Adult & Career Technical Education
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  1. What year did you attend the Adult Education Program and how long did it take you to complete the course?

I started class in January of 2016. I graduated in December of 2017. It took me nearly 2 years to complete.


  1. Why did you choose the Adult and Career Technical Education program at Miami-Dade County Public Schools over other educational programs?

I am an artistic person and I wanted to pursue something that had to do with art so that program fit me perfectly.


  1. What program did you enroll in?

Commercial Arts.


  1. Do you feel that your time in the program prepared you for the workforce?

Yes, it did. I had 3 different teachers and I was able to learn a lot from each of them on how it is in the field and also how to work different programs of design. I also desire to have my own business in the field so this was really a great choice.


  1. Do you feel that the training you took opened doors for you in the working field?

Yes, I was already going on interviews and was even able to get a job in the field even before I graduated, with the help of my teachers.


  1. What did you think of the program’s post-completion results? (Career center, job resources, exam scores, etc).

The results are great. I actually like my job. The staff is very friendly and inviting, I continue to learn every day.


  1. What impressed you the most about the program?

The creative freedom, also the program is hands on, and I am a hands-on learner.


  1. Besides the skills needed to work in your chosen field, what positive attributes did you learn while attending classes? (eg: Time management, multi-tasking, etc).

I learned to not take things personally and if someone doesn’t like what I have designed, it doesn’t mean that it was bad, it just didn’t fit them. I also learned that criticism helps you to grow and be better, and also to work as a team.


  1. What was your learning environment like?

The environment was fun and inviting.


  1. How would you describe your experience with your teacher?

I’ve had 3 different teachers and they were all great and had a lot to teach me. One of them I went head to head with but in the end, it was for my own good. The teachers were helpful and would be there to assist you if you needed them.